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helga brüggemann.

process designer, systemic consultant, certified facilitator

"from the many facets of her personality and professionalism one sticks out for me: helga's relentless pursuit of her curiosity and her uniquability. this makes her a true master when it comes to create really smart and powerful interaction and learning processes and makes her equally good at facilitating them. In the field of organizational development she is an inventor, continuously testing new approaches. also, helga is at home in the world of business and the world of art - a powerful combination that fuels creativity. a great benefit for her clients and her colleagues"

imke about helga

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professional journey at a glance.


co-creator @ transformation plus


owner systemische beratung düsseldorf

2003 - 2004

entrepreneur @ insightout 

1992 - 2003

change manager + personal and organizational developer @ karstadt ag

2002 - 2004

systemic consulting @ ifw

1999 - 2000

business management @ fernuniversity hagen


professional journey in depth.

helga brüggemann is a process designer, systemic consultant (sg) and certified facilitator (cpf). she brings more than a decade of experience in both internal and external company development expertise and works closely with clients to develop and achieve goals through networked learning.

helga's speciality is multidimensional organizational development, which takes into account all facets of the dynamic 'company' entity.

in addition to her in-depth training in systems, group dynamics and large group moderation, she uses art as a starting point for the reflection and transformation processes.

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