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stefanie betz.

coaching and consulting expert, expressive art genius 

"it's always a gift when you meet a person that combines profound insights into business dynamics, high personal integrity, great  intuition and creativity. stefanie's background as master of expressive arts in coaching and consulting adds a whole series of new tools and methods to the transformation plus experience. stefanie enjoys working with people, make them at ease, provides an experience of real collaboration and ignites trust in their ability to get things done and shape success. that's why people love to work with her - and I am one of them, having personally benefited from her coaching and sparring and from her great sense of humour."

imke about stefanie


professional journey at a glance.


co-creator, fellow, artist @ transformation plus


 trainer + coach

1991 - 1998

education officer @ e. breuninger gmbh 

1989 - 1991

head of department @ e. breuninger gmbh

2010 - 2011

advanced post-graduate certificate program (expressive art + coaching consulting @ european graduate school, switzerland

2007 - 2009

m.a. expressive arts + coaching + consulting @ european graduate school, switzerland


professional journey in depth.

stefanie betz combines classical consulting and coaching expertise with art. as a master of arts and expressive arts in coaching and consulting, stefanie is able to open new playful opportunities and perspectives. conflicts and resistance are a part of change and by following the principles of 'trust the process' she is able to manipulate the uncertainties involved into the action energy needed to strengthen her, ergo her clients, confidence in projects. 

as a former manager at e. breuninger gmbh, she understands the dynamic and areas of tension within teams and the often ambivalent demands on executives from an insider perspective. stefanie accompanies companies in their corporate and teamwork development process and is an inspiring trainer for communication, relationships and change issues and a dedicated individual coach.

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